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Well, it’s been a while…

By June 29, 2017News

… has anything much happened?


the search for new venues for our Milongas has continued non-stop. There’ve been lots of helpful suggestions and ideas, and an incredible amount of support.  We could never have dreamed that so many dancers were behind us and wanted to help out.  If there’s one thing that has come out of the recent changes, it’s discovering what an incredible community has developed around our events!


In May we tried out a possible venue, at St Bernards Convent in Slough, with a ‘pop up’ charity night, and it went really well. We learned a lot about the hall, and how to make it right for Tango; for future events there’ll need to be changes to the acoustics and layout, and a hundred other small details.

And in the meantime we’re waiting for another local venue to have a new dance floor installed before we give it a try too.


Don’t worry; whatever happens, we’ll be continuing with monthly milongas and extended events at Christmas and Easter.

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