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Who’d of thought it?

By December 9, 2018News

Our ‘Junction 8’ Tango nights have been running for nearly 10 year now!

They started out as just a fun evening for people who’d been asking for a more varied mix of music. Now,10 years later, the events are firm favourites, and we seem to get more dancers coming along every time!

TBH DJing at ‘Junction 8′ is a real challenge, The normal structures of a traditional milonga aren’t any use, and keeping the flow of the music, and at the same time keeping everyone happy with a varied music mix is bloomin’ tricky. As the years roll by I’m getting more familiar with how things work, and what keep the dance floor full. For a start, I stopped playing any electronic Tango years ago. I sometimes ask for suggestions for favourite tracks, but in all these years there hasn’t been anything suggested that works well as a popular dance choice. (Bohemian Rhapsody? No thanks!).

So it’s really amazing when we get a great crowd every time. People bring their friends, and tell me it’s their favourite Tango night of the year (Really? Oh, OK then).

Here’s to the next 10 years!

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